Our hero moves, mounts another assault,
Screeching souls stream forth from the cracked iron.
The iron behemoth begins to turn,
The monster’s great tower shield raised to strike.
Our hero moves, mounts another assault,
Screeching souls stream forth from the cracked iron.
The iron aggressor, he does not flinch,
Leaps high into the air, death from above.
Screeching souls stream forth from the cracked iron.
The iron aggressor, he does not flinch,
Leaps high into the air, death from above.
Misjudgement, our hero raises his shield,
A hopeless gesture, one of grief, mistake.
The thunderous tower knight crashes down,
Full force brought to bare on our poor hero.
Return’d to the archstone, his souls fleeting,
Spirit well, damage done only to pride.
Spirit well, damage done only to pride.
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